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A positive spin on things

The world is very different right now. Unusual, the new normal, unprecedented times are all words we hear daily.

We may have started to turn the corner but things will take a while to get back to what we know as normal. It’s here and it’s happening.

We are a good 2 months or so into this restricted way of living but if you really think about it, it’s not all that bad. It’s forced us all to slow down and get things done. Mainly because if you’re not working right now you have a ton of spare time. Maybe you’re flat-out juggling, working with homeschooling your mini one. It’s still important to have some you time - it may keep you sane for a moment.

This will all be history one day in the near (ish) future and we will be full pelt back into our usual routines once again. So for now, turn this unusual situation on its head and focus all about the positives.

We’ve all been there when you plan to start the day off well. You’re actually going to make an effort today. Get up and out of your pj's before 10am. Even have a shower. You sit down with good intentions and pure focus as you open your laptop. You should have opened your emails or finish off that blog but you head to You Tube for some music to help the productiveness and suddenly you’re watching a tortoise eat a watermelon (maybe that's just me - no idea how that happened) or some classic 90’s downhill racing. I love this one that my brother showed me once. It’s hilarious - Downhill 90 er Jahre.

So, I thought i’d share with you some things I’ve been doing while at home to be productive during these times where life is la bit limited right now. This was of course before I started back at work with Trek Bikes where i'm pretty sure everyone in the world wants to ride a bicycle. Sales have shot up, more money is being pushed into cycling infrastructure and E-bikes are going to be the future.

Home workouts

I’m really into these home workouts right now. There are so many to chose from on and a lot are free. I use my Fitbit watch/app to follow programme or challenge myself to reach so many steps. You tube is full of awesome workouts. I do this in the morning so it’s done and dusted and then try not to eat my body weight in snacks for the rest of the day!


This has been great when I want some chill out time. Even better when the sun is shining. I must admit I have to be in the right mood for yoga but I love it when I make the effort. Great for stretching those muscles and very it’s very relaxing. I have been following Soul Connection as she has some amazing MTB focussed sessions.


Banana Bread

I’ve suddenly got really into baking and trying new recipes in the kitchen. I get a list together before venturing outside so I can whizz around and get out of there. My supermarket trips never turn out like that though. I turn up and join the queue. I slowly make my way through the doors and I think right lets go, am I being watched, where are the arrows, do I have a time limit! I end up missing the things I need and when I realise I suddenly come to a standstill causing all other shoppers to pause and go into a panic. I decide to carry on. By then I’m pushed into the next isle not knowing if I can go back, can I turn right instead of left, can I even go back around, are you even allowed to go around twice. Who knows. I keep going and I get to the end of the isle and think it doesn’t matter I’ll make sure I don’t miss out on the toilet roll!

The shelf where I hoped to get the flour is empty. The shelf is bare. I crouch down to find one lonely bag of Polenta flour tipped over at the back. Even wonder if I can scoop the mound of flour scattered all over the shelf into a bag! Everyone is suddenly baking like crazy. So far I’ve made Banana Bread, Banana Muffins, Naan Bread, Onion Bhaji, Veg Chilli especially for dad, and Welsh Cakes.


In the UK we are so lucky to not have cycling in public taken away from us. I’m so grateful that we have been allowed to go outside and cycle. We can even travel to other places. Lucky for me I live in the sticks so I have loads of quiet lanes. I say quiet but since all of this I've never seen so many people out on their bikes. It's brilliant. I can pass about 20 other cyclists in an hour riding. We have a mutual respect to each other as we pass. A nod, a smile, hello, nice day for it, for that brief moment we connect with a shared passion and the feeling of freedom. #GoByBike


At the moment I’m walking more. Down the lanes, down to the shop, with the dogs, or just me and my music. So many benefits from walking. I don’t know why I don’t do it more. If I’m feeling a bit restless and overwhelmed a walk is great for clearing my head and burning calories at the same time. Now we are allowed to travel for exercise I knew exactly where I wanted to go and that was to these beautiful Shropshire hills.

Connect with family/friends

Zoom, Houseparty, I had no idea what these words were before lockdown. Get one of these downloaded and give someone a video call. Half the challenge is getting it to work.

Another fun way to connect is by using a smartwatch/fitness app. Me and Laura, my Sister in Law, have been doing fitness challenges using a Fitbit watch. Who can do the most steps in one day or there’s this game where we have to tick off as many activities as we can on this bingo style board. I’m far too competitive though and can be addictive, but it’s fun to do and keeps me active all day.


Since this lockdown as well as being a professional baker, athlete and yogi I’m also a gardener! I bought some carrot, basil and sweetcorn seeds (I didn’t really have much choice). I now have pots of all sizes scattered around the garden or the window sills in the house. I now live in a jungle. This is the first time I’ve ever grown anything and it's been really enjoyable, therapeutic and rewarding watching them grow.

Watch TV/Films

I’m not much of a tv watcher. I do however, have a cinema sized tv in my bedroom. So when I am in the mood I love nothing more than to plonk myself the sofa/bed be fully immersed in it. Playing on the XBox is fab on the big screen. I usually put RedBull TV on. There are so many cool films - Treks film Going In is a film not to be missed. They are all so inspiring to watch and makes me want to get out there on an adventure. I love action sports. Always have been drawn to adrenalin activities. Downhill biking, 4x, skiing, snowboarding, rallying, motocross, trials biking, Zip-lining, coasteering, jet-skiing, snowmobiling, extreme ironing, oh no maybe not that one, but there’s been a few I’ve dabbled in. These may just be films but to me they are much more. They take me to places I’ve never been without even leaving the sofa.

Also I highly recommend having a break from the news sometimes too. Your brain will thank you for it. I think Everyone Loves Reymond is much more appropriate for my morning dose of tv. I listen to what news I need to know and if anything major happens I’m sure Boris will present it in the most clear way possible - go to work, don’t go to work, don’t take public transport but do if you can’t work from home, don’t work from home if you can go to work and so on…

Get creative

Draw, paint, knit. It’s relaxing and allows me to express myself in different ways. I’ve taken up knitting the past few months. It’s something I’ve always wanted to learn. I looked on You Tube and suddenly I had made a snood and a baby beanie. It’s not the coolest of crafts but it’s relaxing and rewarding.

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